04.02.2014 „Song of the Fireflies” by J.A. Redmerski

04.02.2014 „Song of the Fireflies” by J.A. Redmerski

Song of the Fireflies” by J.A. Redmerski

New York Times bestselling author J.A. Redmerski brings us a stunning and heart-wrenching new novel about a couple who find each other in their darkest moment.

Since they were kids, Elias Kline and Brayelle Bates have been inseparable. When Bray moves to South Carolina, separating the two for the first time, they both at last realize that their innocent childhood friendship has developed into something much more. So when Bray finally returns to Georgia—and to Elias—things between them couldn’t be more perfect…until one fateful night changes everything.

Desperate not to go to prison for a terrible accident, Elias and Bray decide to run. As they try to make the most of their freedom, the two find themselves relying on a rebellious group of people who tempt the duo into a wild and daring new life. But they can’t run from their troubles forever.

As the consequences of their past catch up to them, the couple must finally face reality. Even if they can make it through the unimaginable, Elias knows the truth about Bray’s painful history, and in the end he may not be able to save Bray from herself…

New Adult Contemporary Romance – Standalone Novel

More details here

Drăgan Milica (Mili) - Membru Fondator / PR / Editor coordonator - Admin. grup Facebook - Literatura pe tocuri


  1. Wow!Asta da carte! Eu abia astept sa apara si la noi. Dupa ce am citit cartea Niciodata impreuna?
    acum chiar ca mai astept ceva scis de ea. Dar oare cat vom astepta?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Traducere aproximativa a scurtei descrieri
    Din copilarie Elias Kline si Brayelle Bates, au fost inseparabili. Cand Bray se muta in Carolina de Sud, separati pt. prima data, cei doi isi dau seama ca prietenia lor nevinovata s-a dezvoltat in ceva mai mult. Deci, atunci cand Bray se intoarce in Georgia, si la Elias-lucrurile intre ei nu ar mai putea fi perfecte, pana intr-o noapte fatidica care schimba totul.
    Disperata de a nu merge la inchisoare pt. un accident teribil, Elias si Bray decid sa plece intr-o calatorie, sa se piarda. In ceea ce ei incearca sa profite la maxim de libertatea lor, cei doi se trezesc intr-un grup de oameni rebeli care duc o viata salbatica si indrazneata. Dar ei nu pot fugi de necazurile lor pt. totdeauna.
    Consecintele trecutului se prinde de ei, iar cuplul trebuie sa se infrunte in sfarsit cu realitatea. Elis stie adevarul despre istoria dureroasa a lui Bray, si in cele din urma realizeaza ca el nu poate fi capabil de a o salva pe Bray de ea insasi……………..

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