27.01.2014 „My Last Resolution” (A New Year’s Novella) by Whitney Gracia Williams

27.01.2014 „My Last Resolution” (A New Year’s Novella) by Whitney Gracia Williams

„My Last Resolution” (A New Year’s Novella) by Whitney Gracia Williams20563712

My boyfriend is an asshole.

A pure, one of a kind, I-wish-I-was-making-this-up asshole.

Every year, I write „Dump his ass” as my most important resolution, but I’ve never done it.

Until now.

Well, kind of …

Instead of showing up to our „secret” engagement party, I’ve shown up to the airport–ready and willing to go wherever the next flight is bound. Determined to keep and fulfill all of my resolutions, I’m proud of myself for finally striking out on my own.

Until I never make it to my final destination. Until the sexy stranger who sat next to me on the plane changes everything. Until my „last resolution” is fulfilled a lot earlier than I thought…


Drăgan Milica (Mili) - Membru Fondator / PR / Editor coordonator - Admin. grup Facebook - Literatura pe tocuri


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