Carti scrise de Iris Johansen

Carti scrise de Iris Johansen

Carti scrise de Iris Johansen

Iris Johansen s-a nascut la data de 07.04.1938. A inceput sa scrie dupa ce copiii sai au plecat la colegiu. Ea a obtinut primul succes la inceputul anilor 1980 la categoria romance. In 1991, Iris Johansen a inceput sa scrie suspans-romance primul roman fiind The Wind Dancer (Legenda dansatorului). In 1996 schimba genurile si trece la fictiunea criminalitatii, cu care va avea mare succes. Locuieste in Georgia, impreuna cu sotul ei. Fiul sau, Roy Johansen este un scenarist si romancier premiat cu Edgar Awards, iar fiica sa Tamara lucreaza ca asistent de cercetare.

Gen literar: Romance, fictiunea criminalitatii, suspans

Seria Clanad
The Lady and the Unicorn (1983)
The Last Bridge Home (1987)
Across the River of Yesterday (1987)
Magnificent Folly (1989)
A Tough Man to Tame (1991)

Seria Donovan Enterprises
1. Stormy Vows (1983)
2. Tempest at Sea (1983)

 Seria Reluctant Lark
1. The Reluctant Lark (1983)
2. The Bronzed Hawk (1983)

Seria Sedikhan
1. The Golden Barbarian (1991)
2. The Golden Valkyrie (1984)
3. The Trustworthy Redhead (1984)
4. Capture the Rainbow (1984)
5. Touch the Horizon (1984)-Printul desertului
6. A Summer Smile (1985)-Un zambet ca o raza de soare
7. And the Desert Blooms (1986)
8. Always (1986)-Frumoasa captiva
9. Everlasting (1986)
10. Til the End of Time (1986)-Pentru totdeauna
11. The Last Bridge Home (1987)
12. Across the River of Yesterday (1987)
13. Star Light, Star Bright (1987)
14. The Man from Half Moon Bay (1988)
15. Blue Skies and Shining Promises (1988)
16. Magnificent Folly (1989)
17. Notorious (1990)
18. A Tough Man to Tame (1991)

Seria Santa Flores
No Red Roses (1984)
Return to Santa Flores (1984)

Seria White Satin
1. White Satin (1985)
2. Blue Velvet (1985)
3. And the Desert Blooms (1986)

Seria Wind Dancer
1. The Wind Dancer (1991)-Legenda dansatorului
2. Storm Winds (1991)-Pe urmele dansatorului
3. Reap the Wind (1991)-Fascinatia dansatorului
4. Final Target (2001)

Seria Lion’s Bride
1. Lion’s Bride (1996)
2. The Treasure (2008)

Seria Eve Duncan
1. The Face of Deception (1998)
2. The Killing Game (1999)
3. The Search (2000)
4. Body of Lies (2002)-Lantul minciunilor
5. Blind Alley (2004)
6. Countdown (2005)-Cheia misterului
7. Stalemate (2006)-Dragoste si onoare
8. Quicksand (2008)
9. Blood Game (2009)
10. Eight Days to Live (2010)-Ispita din catacombe
11. Chasing the Night (2010)
12. Sleep No More (2012)
13. Taking Eve (2013)
14. Hunting Eve (2013)
15. Silencing Eve (2013)
An Eve Duncan Collection: Quicksand / Blood Game / Eight Days to Live / Chasing the Night (omnibus) (2011)

Seria Catherine Ling
1. Chasing the Night (2010)
2. What Doesn’t Kill You (2012)
3. Live to See Tomorrow (2014)

Seria Eve, Quinn and Bonnie
1. Eve (2011)
2. Quinn (2011)
3. Bonnie (2011)
Eve, Quinn and Bonnie Trilogy (omnibus) (2013)

Seria Kendra Michaels (impreuna cu Roy Johansen)
1. Close Your Eyes (2012)
1.5. With Open Eyes (2012)
2. Sight Unseen (2014)

The Forever Dream (1985)
The Spellbinder (1987)-Legatura vrajita
One Touch of Topaz (1988)
Strong, Hot Winds (1988)
Wicked Jake Darcy (1989)-In cautarea iubirii
Tender Savage (1990)
An Unexpected Song (1990)-Cantec neasteptat
Winter Bride (1992)-Mireasa de la castel
The Tiger Prince (1992)
The Magnificent Rogue (1993)
Star-Spangled Bride (1993)
The Beloved Scoundrel (1994)
Midnight Warrior (1994)
Dark Rider (1995)
The Ugly Duckling (1996)
Long After Midnight (1997)
And Then You Die (1997)
No One to Trust (2002)-Sa nu crezi in nimeni
Dead Aim (2003)-In vizorul mortii
Fatal Tide (2003)-Ultima scapare
Firestorm (2004)
On The Run (2005)-Urmarirea
Killer Dreams (2006)
Pandora’s Daughter (2007)
Silent Thunder (2008) (impreuna cu Roy Johansen)
Dark Summer (2008)
Deadlock (2009)
Storm Cycle (2009) (impreuna cu Roy Johansen)
Shadow Zone (2010) (impreuna cu Roy Johansen)
The Perfect Witness (2014)
Your Next Breath (2015)

The Golden Valkyrie / The Trustworthy Redhead (1986)
Stormy Vows / Tempest at Sea (2007)
Pandora’s Daughter / Quicksand / Dark Summer (2009)

A contribuit la seriile
Shamrock Trinity
York, The Renegade (1986)

Delaneys of Killaroo
Matilda, the Adventuress (1987)

Delaneys the Untamed Years
1. Wild Silver (1988)
2. Golden Flames (1988) (impreuna cu Kay Hooper)

Delaney Dynasty
This Fierce Splendor (1988)
The Delaney Christmas Carol (omnibus) (1992) (impreuna cu Kay Hooper si Fayrene Preston)

Delaneys the Untamed Years II
3. Satin Ice (1988)

Site autoare :

Drăgan Milica (Mili) - Membru Fondator / PR / Editor coordonator - Admin. grup Facebook - Literatura pe tocuri


  1. Imi place aceasta autoare, am citit atat Frumosa captiva si Un zambet ca o raza de soare, care sunt carti romantice, cat si Sa nu crezi un nimeni si In vizorul mortii, care sunt din genul suspans, la care este intr-adevar maestra! Multumesc, Iasmy, la recomandarea ta am citit Sa nu crezi in nimeni, care mi-a placut foarte mult! locco_smiley_21

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