Gladiatorul – Simon Scarrow – Editura Nemira – prezentare
Gladiatorul, de Simon Scarrow (ed.2018)-Editura Nemira-prezentare
Titlu original: The Gladiator
Un roman istoric palpitant despre trecutul sângeros al Imperiului Roman
Bine aţi revenit în lumea sângeroasă a centurionilor! Macro şi Cato se duc la Roma. Pe drum are loc un cutremur devastator, în apropiere de coasta sudica a Insulei Creta. Cei doi eroi se trezesc în Matala, unde sclavii pornesc o răzmeriţă împotriva unei puternice legiuni romane. Macro şi Cato trebuie să pună capăt revoltei care ameninţă să cuprindă Imperiul şi să-l învingă pe Aiax, gladiatorul neînfricat, însetat de răzbunare.
„Având drept sursă de inspiraţie oameni care au existat cu adevarat, acest roman grandios e plin de viaţă şi de mari batalii. Suspansul îţi face genunchii să tremure de emoţie şi n-o să-l poţi lăsa din mână!“
The Guardian
Sursa Editura Nemira
,,They barely make it to the port of Matala in Crete where they are stunned to find a devastated town. An earthquake has struck the island, destroying its cities and killing thousands. In the chaotic aftermath, large bands of the island’s slaves begin to revolt and local bandits, taking advantage of the slave rebellion, urge the Cretans to overthrow the Roman administration.
With many of the island’s troops either killed or wounded during the earthquake, the governor of the province calls on Macro and Cato for help. Can they move swiftly enough to counter the rebellion before it sweeps the Romans from the island?”
Simon Scarrow is a UK-based author, born in Nigeria, and now living in Norfolk. He completed a master’s degree at the University of East Anglia, and, after working at the Inland Revenue, went into teaching as a lecturer at City College, Norwich.
He is best known for his „Eagle” series. This is Roman empire military fiction, starting with the second invasion of Britain, and continuing with subsequent adventures in every corner of the empire. The stories are told through the eyes of two centurions, Macro and Cato.
To date there are fourteen books in the series.-Goodreads
Quintus Licinius Cato, a former imperial slave, and centurion Lucius Cornelius Macro, Roman soldiers starting under Claudius, in an action, historical, intrigue series: Eagle Series (17 books)
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Gladiatorul de Simon Scarrow-Editura Nemira-prezentare
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