King’s Cage by Victoria Aveyard (Red Queen #3)
King’s Cage by Victoria Aveyard (Red Queen #3)
Published February 7th 2017 by HarperTeen
King’s Cage by Victoria fantasy.
In this breathless third installment to Victoria Aveyard’s bestselling Red Queen series, allegiances are tested on every side. And when the Lightning Girl’s spark is gone, who will light the way for the rebellion?
Mare Barrow is a prisoner, powerless without her lightning, tormented by her lethal mistakes. She lives at the mercy of a boy she once loved, a boy made of lies and betrayal. Now a king, Maven Calore continues weaving his dead mother’s web in an attempt to maintain control over his country—and his prisoner.
As Mare bears the weight of Silent Stone in the palace, her once-ragtag band of newbloods and Reds continue organizing, training, and expanding. They prepare for war, no longer able to linger in the shadows. And Cal, the exiled prince with his own claim on Mare’s heart, will stop at nothing to bring her back.
When blood turns on blood, and ability on ability, there may be no one left to put out the fire—leaving Norta as Mare knows it to burn all the way down.
Recenzie – “Colivia regelui” este genul de carte care îți stârnește un amestec năvalnic de sentimente contradictorii de la un capitol la celălalt. Intriga, răsturnările de situație și relațiile complicate dintre personaje te țin într-o permanentă stare de tensiune. Povestea este plină de minciuni, trădări și comploturi. Gelozie și rivalitate. Totul are un caracter imprevizibil, motiv pentru care nu știi ce se va întâmpla în următorul moment.
Victoria Aveyard
Red Queen Series
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