Cartea Te astept, a impresionat pur si simplu pe toti cei care au citit-o. O poveste de viata
The book Wait for you impressed all its readers. A life story full of emotion that reached our souls. Through the style you approached, you managed to make us live the action of the book. We found love, emotion, mistrust, humility, friendship, experiences that occur in daily life. This is your first book that has appeared in Romania and we look forward to getting as many as possible because you delight us completely. After reading this book, there is no reader who does not remain under its spell for a while.
1.Cum v-a venit ideea pentru cartea Te astept? Se bazeaza pe o poveste reala sau este doar fictiune? Cum creati personajele? (Cam este un baiat pe care l-am adorat, iar de Avery ramai impresionat datorita povestii ei). Be whit me, are o poveste la fel de emotionanta?
How did you get the idea for the book Wait for you? Is it based on a real story or is it just fiction? How do you create your characters? (Cam is a boy I adored and Avery impresses me on account of her story). Does Be whit me have an equally moving story?
Faceam dus cand mi-a venit ideea cu Te astept. Nu se bazeaza pe o poveste reala. Be whit me are ca personaje pe Jase si Teresa.
I was taking a shower when I came up with the idea for Wait for You. It isn’t based on a real story. Be With Me features Jase and Teresa. Their story is different from Cam and Avery’s, but I love their relationship.
2. Ce v-a determinat sa scrieti sub pseudonimul J. Lynn?
What made you write under the pseudonym J. Lynn?
Am decis sa folosesc J. Lynn pentru a diferentia romanele YA, care le scriu sub numele real, si romanele mele NA sau adulti. Dar cele mai multe coperti au doua nume pe ele acum.
I decided to use J Lynn to differentiate between my YA novels, which I write under my real name, and my NA or adult novels. But most of my covers have both names on them now.
3. Aveti cateva serii interesante printre care Lux. Ne puteti spune cateva cuvinte? Vor ajunge sa fie publicate si in Romania?
You have a few interesting series, among which Lux. Can you tell us a few words? Will they get to be published in Romania, too?
Obsidian is the first book in the Lux Series, my YA series about a girl who moves in next door to a hot, cocky alien. The series is available in Romania.
4.Stim ca ati scris povestiri scurte in timpul orelor de matematica-algebra. Ne puteti da cateva detalii despre acea perioada?
We know you used to write short stories during your math-algebra classes. Can you give us a few details about that period?
M-am bucurat mereu de scris, asa ca am folosit aceasta pasiune si in timpul orelor de clasa in loc sa-i dau atentie profesorului. Cred ca asa se explica de ce am avut note mici la matematica.
I’ve always enjoyed writing, so I used to write during all of my classes instead of paying attention to the teacher. I think that explains why I had poor grades in math.
5. Cum se vede scriitoarea Jennifer L. Armentrout peste 50 de ani? O sa scrieti tot young adult sau fantasy?
How does the writer Jennifer L. Armentrout see herself in 50 years’ time? Will you still be writing young adult or fantasy?
As dori sa scriu mereu. As dori de asemenea sa gasesc timp si pentru a face unele lucruri- cum ar fi gradinaritul, pentru ca este ceva care imi place sa fac.
I would like to still be writing. I’d also like to find the time to do some gardening because it’s something else I enjoy doing.
Va multumim pentru ca ati acceptat sa ne raspundeti la cateva intrebari. Este o mare onoare pentru noi, si ne dorim sa avem norocul sa putem savura cat mai multe carti scrise de dvs.
Cu respect!
Echipa -Literatura pe tocuri
Mili & Iasmy
Thank you for accepting to answer our questions. It’s a great honor for us and we want to be lucky enough to enjoy as many books written by you as possible
Literature on Heels Team
Mili & Iasmy
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View Comments
Mi-a placut enorm cartea TE ASTEPT, si ma bucur ca autoarea J.Lynn ne spus cateva cuvinte. Abia astept sa citesc si ,,Be with me", sunt curioasa tare in legatura cu ea. Mi-ar placea foarte mult ca la noi sa fie mult mai multe carti traduse.
Felicitari pentru interviu !!!!
Sper sa ni se indeplineasca dorinta de a se traduce si alte carti scrise de aceasta autoare
Eu una abia astept ca cei de la epica sa scoată continuarea la te astept
Si eu!!!!!!!
Si încă nu se aude nimic de ea.... :(
Una dintre cartile mele preferate este "Te astept". Imi place la nebunie modul cum reuseste Jennifer L. Armentrout sa ne trasmita toate acele stari pe care le simt si personajele sale principale.
Multumim ca ai impartasit cu noi acest interviu.