My Life as Eva
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What’s up guys? It’s me, Eva!
I’m so lucky to have my fans—over seven million besties and counting! It has been amazing to meet so many of you since I started making videos. Growing up, books are what got me through life—a lot of the good times, and the really really bad times. And no matter how challenging life got, I promised myself that I would get through it, in hopes that someday I’d have the chances to help people who need that one piece of great advice, at just the right time.
So here’s a book by me, totally for you. I’ll tell you a ton of my secrets, a lot of fail stories, and how I made it through—and you can too!
Think of my book like a best friend you can turn to at any time.
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Poate o vor traduce și în română :)
nu ma atrage :(
Mulțumim Iasmy,eu o vreau tradusă în română!