Carti scrise de Carole Matthews
Carti scrise de Carole Matthews
Autoare britanica de succes si foarte populara, este faimoasa pentru romanele ei de comedie romantica. S-a nascut in St.Helens, Merseyside, Marea Britanie.
A publicat 24 de romane si a aparut in Sunday Times si USA Today.
Cel mai bine vandute carti au fost „Welcome To The Real World” si „Wrapped Up In You Have”. A aparut si in Romantic Novelist’s Association.
A vandut peste 4 milioane de carti in intreaga lume si este publicata in 30 de tari. A fost nominalizata la The Festival Of Romance Of Fame pentru contributia sa marcanta la fictiune romantica.
Locuieste impreuna cu partenerul ei Kevin.
- Let’s Meet on Platform 8 (1997)
- The Scent of Scandal (1998)
- More to Life Than This (1999)
- For Better, for Worse (2000)
- A Minor Indiscretion (2001)
- A Compromising Position (2002)
- The Sweetest Taboo (2003)
- A Whiff Of Scandal (2004)
- With or Without You (2004)
- Welcome to the Real World (2006)
- The Chocolate Lovers’ Diet (2007) –Dieta iubitoarelor de ciocolata
- The Chocolate Lovers’ Club (2007)-Clubul iubitoarelor de ciocolata
- All You Need is Love ( 2008)
- It’s a Kind of Magic (2008)
- The Difference a Day Makes (2009)
- That Loving Feeling (2009)
- The Only Way Is Up (2010)
- It’s Now or Never (2010)
- Wrapped Up in You (2011)
- With Love at Christmas (2012)
- Summer Daydreams (2012)
- A Cottage by the Sea (2013)
- Calling Mrs Christmas
- A Place To Call Home (2014)
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