Expected publication: 28.10.2014 Darling Beast (Maiden Lane Series -7) by Elizabeth Hoyt

Expected publication: 28.10.2014 Darling Beast (Maiden Lane Series -7) by Elizabeth Hoyt

Darling Beast (Maiden Lane Series -7) by Elizabeth Hoyt


Falsely accused of murder and mute from a near-fatal beating, Apollo Greaves, Viscount Kilbourne has escaped from Bedlam. With the Crown’s soldiers at his heels, he finds refuge in the ruins of a pleasure garden, toiling as a simple gardener. But when a vivacious young woman moves in, he’s quickly driven to distraction . . .


London’s premier actress, Lily Stump, is down on her luck when she’s forced to move into a scorched theatre with her maid and small son. But she and her tiny family aren’t the only inhabitants—a silent, hulking beast of a man also calls the charred ruins home. Yet when she catches him reading her plays, Lily realizes there’s more to this man than meets the eye.


Though scorching passion draws them together, Apollo knows that Lily is keeping secrets. When his past catches up with him, he’s forced to make a choice: his love for Lily . . . or the explosive truth that will set him free.

More details here.

Drăgan Milica (Mili) - Membru Fondator / PR / Editor coordonator - Admin. grup Facebook - Literatura pe tocuri


  1. Wow ! poza asta -i pentru yasmy , nici nu mai conteaza daca e scotian , de fapt, stai asa …, tipul are profil de motociclist ( deci poate sa fie si al Alinei ) ,Sa vezi acum ce se incinge atmosfera !

  2. Wow! Ce mai tip!!! Sacadat este al meu, pare scotian. De ce nu apare oare si pe cartile astea de la Libertatea asemenea poze, sa ne mai clatim si noi ochisorii. Profil. lasa profilul, trapezul este la putetre. :-). Ce atitudineeeeeeeeee! 🙂

  3. Nu este scotian hi hi ca nu poarta kilt ci doar un pantalon de stofa…e jale ca cei de lira/alma nu fac asemenea coperti ca sa isi cladeasca femeile ochisorii.

  4. Abia astept sa apara si la noi aceasta carte.Inca din Lordul intunericului am facut cunostinta cu Apollo ,desi m-a uimit locul in care e tinut

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