Behind the Curtain: Realistic fiction set in Romania by Carolyn Mandache

Behind the Curtain: Realistic fiction set in Romania by Carolyn Mandache

Behind the Curtain: Realistic fiction set in Romania by Carolyn Mandache

Description of book: This is a story of the strength of people in the face of dictatorship, how love can sustain people in even the worst of circumstances. Florin’s story and that of his family allow you to see behind the curtain.
What’s it about: An original and fascinating story, Behind the Curtain is part memoir, part realistic fiction. The book has been thoroughly researched and the level of detail is impressive. The author has organized the story in a way that is both informative and entertaining while telling the engaging story of the main character and his family.

Written from the heart, this book provides a charming and memorable insight into a world few of us in this country are familiar with.
Who is the author: Carolyn Mandache is a Glasgow based business owner and parent to 4 kids. The author has written children’s books and recently collaborated with other local
authors to write Allsorts, a lockdown writing collection. Carolyn is married to Florin, who provided the inspiration for Behind the Curtain, and enjoys discovering more about Romania,
a country she has come to think of as a second home.

What else should I know: This book provides an informative read from the perspective of a young boy who grows up under the Ceasescu regime, and then life post Communism. Sad and humorous at times, Carolyn hopes to help readers re-think Romania and attitudes towards immigrants.

Where can I buy it: /Amazon/Waterstones online


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