„Beautiful Stranger” (Ticalosul seducator – Beautiful Bastard #2) by Christina Lauren
„Beautiful Stranger” (Ticalosul seducator – Beautiful Bastard #2) by Christina Lauren
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Daca ati citit cartea Ticalosul Seducator (Beautiful bastard) de Christina Lauren si doriti sa descoperiti ce se intampla in continuare, puteti afla doar citind in limba engleza.
Scurta descriere:
Escaping a cheating ex, finance whiz Sara Dillon’s moved to New York City and is looking for excitement and passion without a lot of strings attached. So meeting the irresistible, sexy Brit at a dance club should have meant nothing more than a night’s fun. But the manner—and speed—with which he melts her inhibitions turns him from a one-time hookup and into her Beautiful Stranger.
The whole city knows that Max Stella loves women, not that he’s ever found one he particularly wants to keep around. Despite pulling in plenty with his Wall Street bad boy charm, it’s not until Sara—and the wild photos she lets him take of her—that he starts wondering if there’s someone for him outside of the bedroom.
Hooking up in places where anybody could catch them, the only thing scarier for Sara than getting caught in public is having Max get too close in private.
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Am citit prima carte si mi-a placut foarte mult, asa ca sper ca si aceasta parte sa fie cel putin ca prima.
mi-a placut foarte mult aceasta serie
si eu am apreciat initiativa autoarelor. Este un mare plus atunci cand doua femei ating succesul. Nici nu se vede ca impart aceeasi pana de scris.